summer 2025 flyerWHILE HAVING FUN
summer 2025 flyerDETAILS for the 2025 SUMMER SEASON ARE AS FOLLOWED
**Regular camp hours will be from 8:30am - 4:00pm. Before and After care will be available for an extra fee by request**
Steam Weeks:
July 7th - 11th
July 21st - 25th
August 11th - 15th
Multi-Sport Weeks:
July 14th - July 18th
August 18th - 22nd
Why is STEAM Education Important? And How Will it Benefit My Child?
“Steam education provides children with endless possibiliities, ignites imagination through play, along with developing creative problem solving abilities.”

Why Choose Us?
Our caring and patient teachers create a place where your child can explore their creativity and engage in hands-on projects. Crave Arts Academy encourages collaboration and respect for others' ideas, promoting empathy. Children will develop self-confidence, creative problem solving skills, take pride in their accomplishments, all while playing and creating at their own individual level.